Learn to represent yourself authentically and effectively for successful job applications.


Job applications are an elevator pitch: why they should want you.

Emphasizing your skills and achievements is a crucial part of crafting successful resumes and cover letters - and yet it’s something almost everyone struggles with.

I collaborate with my clients to write application materials that showcase the traits that will make them valuable employees and help them stand out from the crowd. A standard resume is shaped to highlight relevant experience and responsibilities specific to the desired position; a blah cover letter is transformed into a strong, memorable pitch for how hiring my client will benefit of the company.

Need help with your resume and cover letter?
Please contact me - I’d love to hear from you.

I provide reduced-price and pro bono job application services to employees of the zoological industry.
If you’re employed by a zoo, aquarium, or other exotic animal exhibition business, please mention it when you contact me.